Doctoral Degree
Doctoral Degree - Admission for CONTINUOUS FLUX
Procedure for Registration in the Selective Process: (See the Notice, through the link below):
Estarão abertas as inscrições, entre os dias 06/12/2021 e 19/01/2022, para o Processo Seletivo de Doutorado em Engenharia Urbana, do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Urbana da Universidade Federal de São Carlos - UFSCar, campus de São Carlos/SP, visando o ingresso no primeiro período de 2022.
Registration for PPGEU
After the proposal has been recommended and approved by the CPGEU, the candidate can register for the PPGEU.
Required Documents
2 photos 3x4 (up to date)
Legible copy of CPF (no other document is accepted as a substitution)
Legible copy of Identity Card (authenticated and no other document is accepted as a substitution)
Legible copy of Birth Certificate or Marriage Certificate (authenticated)
Copy of Military Service Certificate
Initial Registration Form (fill in the form)
Copy of Master’s Degree Certificate (authenticated)
Important observations
* In the absence of any document, the registration will not be effective
* If the Master’s Certificate is being issued, a declaration of completion of the Master’s Degree will be accepted. In this case, the presentation of an authenticated copy of the Master’s Degree Certificate will be a requirement for the following registration period for the next semester.